
Go Back in Use with your company

Sustainable and budget-friendly IT solutions

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With refurbished, you go up to 70% cheaper than new.


Choose 1 or 2 years warranty

Customized advice

We listen to your specific question.


Contribute to a circular economy

Read the testimonials from companies that preceded you.

Read the testimonials from companies that preceded you.


With refurbished, you go up to 70% cheaper than new.


Choose 1 or 2 years warranty

Customized advice

We listen to your specific question.


Contribute to a circular economy

How can we help you?

Do you want to take advantage of our special corporate offer and purchase sustainable IT solutions in larger quantities? Fill out the contact form below and our team is ready to assist you. We look forward to working with you and providing your company with high-quality refurbished IT materials.

Bedankt voor je aanvraag. We contacteren je zo snel mogelijk.





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Describe your request below (desired specifications, quantities, expected start of use...)

From Out of Use to Back in Use

Sustainability and efficiency go hand in hand at Back In Use. Through our parent company and pioneer in the field of circular economy Out of Use, we ensure that decommissioned IT equipment does not simply get lost, but receives a new life. What is no longer usable, we recycle in an environmentally friendly way. What still has potential, we carefully refurbish so that it can be reused.


From Out of Use to Back in Use

Sustainability and efficiency go hand in hand at Back In Use. Through our parent company and pioneer in the field of circular economy Out of Use, we ensure that decommissioned IT equipment does not simply get lost, but gets a new life. What is no longer usable, we recycle in an environmentally friendly way. What still has potential, we carefully refurbish so that it can be reused.



Durch den Erwerb größerer Mengen profitierst du von attraktiven Rabatten und sparst bei deinem IT-Budget.

High quality

All our IT products are carefully tested and of excellent quality. You can rely on the reliability and performance of our products.


Door te kiezen voor refurbished IT-materiaal draag je bij aan het verminderen van elektronisch afval en het bevorderen van duurzaamheid. Samen kunnen we een positieve impact hebben op het milieu.

Volg back in use